Intellectual property


The candidate authorizes, in case of being selected as one of the five Laureates, to grant - free of charge - the Compagnie de Saint-Gobain, a company existing under the laws of France (RCS Nanterre 542 039 532), ArchiTangle GmbH, a company existing under the laws of Germany (HRB 206856 B), and Jana Revedin Founder and organizer of the Award, and the International Union of Architects, an entity existing under the laws of France ( SIRET number 78426371700026), (hereafter, the Beneficiaries) to use, represent, and reproduce his/her photographs, images, and texts, including a short biography and a description of his/her work, on any known or as yet unknown medium, in their entirety or in part, particularly on paper, magnetic, optical, electronic and digital media and/or any similar media currently in existence or which may exist in the future, whatever the number of reproductions and the type of representation, for all countries and for 10 (ten) years, for purposes of promotion of the award, research, and internal or external communication by the Beneficiaries.
The name of the photographer and authors of the works shall be clearly mentioned at the time of their publication or reproduction.
The Beneficiaries expressly agree not to make any use of the photographs, images, or texts which is liable to damage his/her reputation or to use them on any medium of a pornographic, racist or xenophobic nature or use them in any other damaging way.
The Laureate will not be able to claim any payment to the Beneficiaries for the exercising of the rights granted by this authorization.


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